Ontario Ministry of Health Active 2010 – Walking Campaign

A few years back, the Government of Ontario started the Active 2010 initiative to encourage the citizens of Ontario to become more active. One of their targets were adults aged 40+. They wanted them to get out and start walking, with a dog, with a friend or with a group.

I thought a great way to reach our target was to connect them with some famous people in that age range who are also from Ontario, in fact, they've invited us all into their home every day for over 30 years: The Pattersons from Lynn Johnston's daily comic strip For Better or for Worse.

I put together a few sample ads for research testing and to pitch to Lynn Johnston herself. The ads scored very well in research, even people that weren't familiar with the comic could still connect with the characters. That was just step one, now we had to pitch the idea to Lynn to see if she would be on board. I was thrilled when she agreed to let her characters take part. Understandably, she is very selective when it comes to her work.

She did some wonderful sketches for us and provided us with original black and white line art. Fortunately for me, her colouring staff were all on vacation, so in order to meet our time lines I had to colour work myself. Lynn and her team provided me all reference I needed and I went to work!

We produced transit shelter posters as well as trash bin ads in order to get the message out on the street. The reaction was so positive that the media company gave us a free extension on all of the bookings. We also created posters for libraries and community centres. There were even sightings of the posters on message boards on walking paths across the province months after the campaign had run.

Client: Ontario Ministry of Health
Objective: Encourage adults to get out and start walking.
Target: Adults in Ontario aged 40+
Media: OOH – Transit shelter posters, trash bid ads and community posters

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